No Mercy

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How to Hack Facebook using Easy Methods ?

Facebook is the latest teenage craze all around the world. I have seen many people wasting hours for finding different methods and ways for hacking their friend's or enemy's Facebook account. Most of the sites claiming to teach easy Facebook hacking methods are spam and try to sell you useless hacking e-books or other senseless software .Some even claim to hack the Facebook passwords for free for you. Wake up people and think logically. First let me make something clear to you, there is no such software or tool which will hack the Facebook account password for you, while you sit back and enjoy your cappuccino and don't even think of hacking into the Facebook databases to get the passwords. But hacking Facebook accounts is not completely impossible, i would say it can be done rather very easily if you decide to give your time and have some patience. There may be hundreds of ways to hack Facebook account password, but here i am providing you some, which i am familiar with. This is a long post and i have tried to provide all the methods in great detail so bear with me.Now let us begin.


Type:- software and hardware
Tools needed:- Key-logger software or key-logger device
Special skills needed:- no special skills needed but some commonsense , some prior knowledge of the target and convincing power.
Main enemy:- Antivirus software and Firewalls.

Key-logging is one of the easiest and most widely used hacking method for hacking Facebook passwords. The word key-logging means to keep a track / log of the keys pressed on the computer.There are mainly two ways of key-logging, Software and hardware.


1Hardware:- Special computer devices for key-logging are available. They are connected to the keyboard wire and then to the CPU. It looks like the keyboard wire's part and cant be easily detected.When needed the device can be disconnected and the logs can be viewed.
*Bad points:- This method is mostly not preferred for hacking Facebook passwords, as the devices are costly and need physical access to the computer.

2Software :- There are thousands of different key-logger software which provide the user with a wide range of options.From them the key-logger which can be remotely installed is preferred for hacking Facebook passwords.They keep log of the keys pressed on the target's computer while remaining hidden and after some specific time send it as a email to the user without the target's knowledge..
*Bad points :-Most of the key-loggers are detected by the Antivirus and Firewall software, but some key-loggers are able to bypass the Antivirus and Firewall software. You also have to convince the target to install the key-logger while remote installing it.

Personal Tip:- Try the key-loggers which come under the parental control category which are used by parents to keep an eye on the child's online activities. This key-logger are mostly Antivirus and Firewall friendly. The AV and firewall wont detect them because if they did detect it then the child will come to know about it and it will be of no use. The only short coming of these key-logger is that they don't have remote installation feature.


Special skills needed:- no special skills needed but some convincing power.
Many enemy:- Intelligent targets.

Phishing is the most widely used hacking method for hacking Facebook passwords. In phishing the attacker sends the target a link. When the target clicks on the link, it takes the target to a fake website which looks same as the real Facebook login page. The attacker convinces the target to log in through that page. When the target types his password and clicks the log in button, the password is instead send to attacker and the target is again redirected to the real website.

Here is a tutorial about phishing.

Step 1) First you must sign for a free web-hosting service like
And register your sub-domain.
after signing you will have a sub-domain like

Step 2) Now login to your account go to "control panel" then in site management option go to "online file manager" and open the folder "htdocs".

Step 3) Now DOWNLOAD THIS FILE  (Alternate link)to your computer add extract the file. Inside the folder you will find two files index.htm and write.php.

Step 4) Now replace the index.htm file in the "htdocs" of the "online file manager" with the file index.htm of the phisher folder in your computer and also upload write.php file in "htdocs" thats it! you are done.

Step 5) Now your homepage has become a phisher. open it, you will see that your page has become the login page of the site you want to all you have to do is send this link to the person whose account you want to hack.when he tries to login through it you will receive a file password.html in your "htdocs" folder of your account which contains the username and password of your victim.

Personal Note:- The attacker must have a very good convincing power to hack the facebook password with this method. Please try this method carefully as now it is widely known and the target may soon guess the attacker's intentions. The target may report the fake site and you may get in trouble.


Tools needed:- FIRESHEEP software and a laptop, as this is a wireless Internet vulnerability.
Special skills needed:- No special skills is needed.
Main enemy :- Blacksheep

This method is a bit less known but in recent months it has become widely popular due to the introduction of the software 'FIRESHEEP'. When you log in to your account at a website, your web browser sends your username and password to the website server. The password is first encrypted and then send over the network. Then the server checks the username and password against the database and if they both match then sends to the user's browser a "cookie" (a text which the browser uses for further requests to the web server) but unlike the password the cookies are not encrypted and are sent as it is over the network, this cookies can be easily captured as they travel through the network or a busy WI-FI. The newly released Firefox extension "FIRESHEEP" makes it more easy. Actually so easy that even a total nube can capture this cookies. For a detailed tutorial on Firesheep  CLICK HERE

PERSONAL NOTE:- The addon Firesheep had become very popular recently so software Blacksheep was developed which stops Firesheep. 


Type :-Psychological
Special skills :- Patience and Confidence.
Main enemy:- intelligent target.

Facebook Social Engineering
Social Engineering

This is not a sure way of hacking Facebook passwords but given the time and Patience can yield pretty interesting results.Social engineering attack means to gather information from the target or by using the prior knowledge of the target and then use it to hack the target's Facebook password by guessing the password or resetting the password. Gather basic information about the target like 
Birth date
Mobile number
The skill he is good at.
favourite historical personality etc
and from this information try to guess the target password you will be surprised to see how many people have such guessable passwords.

Personal Note:- Though this is a effective method don't waste too much time in it as there are other aspects of social engineering which i am know presenting in front of you try them.


Type:- it is a type of social engineering.
Special skills needed:- Logic.
Main enemy :- Intelligent targets.

Every social networking site has a password retrieval system to help the user in case he or she forget their password. Facebook also has a password retrieval system which can be wisely used to hack facebook accounts.

NOTE:- If any of the above procedure or link is not working properly, please report. I would be very grateful. Thank you.  Its for Education purpose only. Use it on your own Risk.

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