No Mercy

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Letter to that Girl, I love but Never have in my Life!

'  Author is sharing his feelings to all the readers as he was also one time Romeo."

      I remember the moment we first met, as if it happened yesterday. Your group were just beside our group during orientation program of college. Your obvious intelligence, your voice and your laughter – that normal part of your conversation – were captivating. The sound of your voice still has, will always have, a profound effect on me. Although I didn’t realize it until much later, it was a moment that changed the direction of my life.

    After that first meeting, first call, i still remember your anger voice scolding me. The weeks and months passed, as I wondered whether everyone who you knew and met felt the same way about you. Whether they felt the same pleasure, the same thrilling chemistry, just being near to you. You quickly became my friend, as we spent more and more time together. We chatted a lot, talked about each other and more. You say now that you were in love with me even that. But for me, that was the moment the world changed forever.

We both would be dreamed of happily married. Neither of us had ever had affairs or even thought of being unfaithful. It was something that neither of us planned or expected, but it felt … unstoppable.
We grew closer and closer as our small timed friendship deepened and we became lovers. Now, I long to be openly with you; the most unique, the most desirable girl I have ever met.
We can count the number of dates we have spent together on our fingers. But the stolen hours spent talking, eating, reading, laughing,thinking,chatting – just missing and loving you – are uncountable. We have shared our tragedies, professional and personal.

More than once, during or after Earthquake my behavior of not speaking and forcing you to be in relation might irritate and hurt you badly and yet we are still very much stable, always feeling that life without the other would be simply unbearable. The happiest and most intense hours of my entire life have been spent with you.

       There are times when the desire and the sadness that we are not together become completely overwhelming. I know that you love me. But I also know that you want me your life alongside everything you already have. I know and understand that your situation is much more complicated than mine.I know that you will leave me, whatever happens, for the sake of your Parents. You have been honest about that. I know that you will not be with me, even if I am alone.

      Other people bear seemingly unbearable things in their lives all the time, so I must endure this. I have no other choice, except the living bereavement of a life without you. I have fallen in love with a girl I may not have, and who cannot be with me. I will just do the very thing that will become a possibility for us our Relation.

Until then, I will wait for you, want you, need you and as always love you.
Please Come back.

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