Most of all the business that have taken up online marketing, aim at improving their conversion rate. Various ways of attracting targeted traffic can be found in various sites.
While scoring high with Google may seem to certain business people the only way to make themselves known and thus reaching their goal, there are others that think that a good place in the Alexa ranking system might benefit them just as well.
Before that let me define you what is Alexa Ranking? Well, this is a ranking system set by the a subsidiary of that just basically audits and makes public the frequency of visits on the various Web sites. This ranking is mostly based on algorithm as per traffic which is even based on such parameters as reach and page views. The reach refers to the number of Alexa users who visited a particular site in one day.
With Alexa, the smaller the numerical ranking, the better. Most people say that if you manage to make it in the top 100,000, it is sign that your site enjoys quite heavy traffic.
Benefits of Alexa Ranking!!
1. As opposed to Google’s PageRank, the lower your ranking number, the better.
It helps Webmasters and advertisers see the true marketing potential of your Web site.
2. The better your Alexa rank, the higher they will be willing to bid to buy advertising space on your Website.
3. Given that Alexa Ranking offers you information about your website; it is a god tool to have in view of search engine optimization.
4. Alexa Traffic can be used as a competitive intelligence tool but you should take into consideration the face that its sample size of audience is too small; just enter your competitors site in the “Compare Sites” section and measure the result instantly.
As we can help your site for improving and increasing Alexa rank so, better view our Business Discuss part.
Why? Alexa is so Important. |