No Mercy

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Letter Everybody Must Read

I ve been through the site and found out some of the story which is in letter form and that interest me.
So, why don't you get through it and share either.


Dear fighter,

How are you today?

There are many reasons why I’m writing you this letter. To start with, I want to congratulate you. Congratulate you for fighting and defeating a battle that many people don’t even consider to be a battle in the first place. Congratulate you for having the courage, strength and determination to fight off something that is so much more than ‘a temporary phase’. And finally, to congratulate you for being a fighter WINNER!

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’d also like to tell you how impressed I am by you. Impressed that you decided to fight and not let your depression overcome your life. Those who have never experienced it will never know just how emotionally draining, dreadful and even dehumanizing suffering from depression can be.

They will never know how, at times, it affects your will to live, how even getting out of bed becomes the world’s most daunting task, how nothing positive seems to lift your spirits and how your anxieties and insecurities start getting the better of you. As such, you having overcome your depression is no mean feat, and it’s important for you to know that.

Another thing I want you to know is how crucial it is for you to now continue to stay strong. Not only because doing so is going to be good for you, which it will, but also because you’ll end up inspiring others suffering from depression to fight it and not let it overtake their lives.

Nothing inspires people more than seeing a success story, which is why it becomes important for you to make sure that others know about your success and how you overcame something as destructive as depression.

Finally, I would like to give you a heads up. There will be days when you’ll feel like your depression is coming back and, as frustrating as this may sound, it’s likely that you may suffer from it again. But here’s the important part – you HAVE to beat it again. You’ll have to make sure that, if the need is, you once again fight it off, just like you did before.

It may be hard, but you’ll always have the support of your loved ones, your spirit and your determination to help you win the battle. Here’s hoping you continue to stay strong like this.

With love and admiration,
A fellow fighter.


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